I'm quitting to

Save Money

Quitting smoking can make a big difference to your bank account. Use the cost calculator below to see how much you would save if you stopped smoking and/or vaping.

Someone who smokes a pack of cigarettes per day can save $450 in one month by quitting.

Cost Calculator

How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

Based on an average of one pack per day.
All amounts are approximate.

Cost per month $ 0.00
Cost per year $ 0.00
Cost per decade $ 0.00

How much do you vape each day?

Based on an average 250 puffs/day of a disposable pen.
All amounts are approximate.

Cost per month $ 0.00
Cost per year $ 0.00
Cost per decade $ 0.00


Set a savings goal

Consider setting a goal for the money you save by not smoking or vaping, maybe a vacation you’ve been dreaming of or buying something special for yourself.